Celebration CDD – Mosquito Control FAQ

Apr 5, 2024

Celebration CDD – Mosquito Control FAQ

Spring is a time of enjoying the Florida sunshine and being outdoors in our neighborhoods and community. It is also a time of increased mosquito activity, and it helps to be aware of their activities, the programs in place for controlling them, and what you can do to assist. Below are some commonly asked questions related to mosquito control practices, taken from a brochure provided by the District’s mosquito control contractor, Clarke Mosquito Control. 

Q: Why do we need mosquito control programs?

A: Without control programs, the mosquito population would flourish and cause potential health and comfort problems. 

Q: How can we best control mosquito breeding?

A: By identifying their breeding sites and preventing the larvae from maturing into adults. Preventing larval development into adult mosquitoes can be accomplished through carefully planned and implemented programs while meeting sound environmental standards.

Q: Is it necessary to spray for adult mosquitoes in populated areas?

A: Yes. A well-planned, integrated program involves stopping mosquitoes in both the larval and adult stages. Mosquitoes can migrate up to 15 miles, which overrides local larval control efforts. This results in the need for adult mosquito control.

Q: Are the insecticides being used for controlling mosquitoes dangerous?

A: No. Industry and government testing programs are so advanced and demanding that it is virtually impossible to use a control product that could have an adverse effect on people, animals, or plant life.

Q: What can I personally do to help control mosquito development?

A: Look for possible breeding sites in your yard and community (e.g., any standing water areas). Advise the District office of potential problems. If adult mosquitoes become a nuisance, notify the District office.

If you would like a copy of the entire FAQ brochure, go to the website, www.CelebrationCDD.org, under Field Services and then Mosquito Control. You may also contact us at 407-566-1935 or admin@CelebrationCDD.org with any questions, comments, or concerns.